11 Best Beetroot Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss
11 Best Beetroot Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss Beetroot Spinach Smoothie This smoothie is a mixture of spinach and beetroot which are great sources of antioxidants, minerals and both are excellent for weight loss. This smoothie also has a good amount of fiber which helps to keep your stomach full for extended periods of time so you don't feel hungry as this can help with appetite control. It also has a good amount of protein in order to keep you fit and strong. Furthermore, the added fruit contains phytochemicals that will help prevent free radicals from forming in the body. To top it all off, this preparation is gluten-free making it perfect for people with food intolerances or allergies! I was reading about how great beetroot is for weight loss and decided to create a pre-workout smoothie with it! This article has 12 different recipes to try, but I decided to make two recipes: Beetroot Spinach Smoothie and Beetroot Greek Yogurt Smoothie. The beetroot